Monday, June 2, 2008

2 weeks n gone

It is just under two weeks till I head out. I have been attending graduation parties and getting sunburned enough to hopefully hold my own once I get into the desert. This is a trip I have been longing for ever since I left last summer.
I wasn’t sure if I would get to go back to Jordan. When I found out, I am pretty sure I started crying in excitement. For those who know me, they know I do not like to show emotion. Going back means once again getting the opportunity to hone and sharpen my craft.
After Jordan I will have just enough time to do some laundry, before I head to Drake for International Relations.
I have finished up about half of my shopping for Jordan and still at a loss for what to get for host families.
I am getting to know the crew this year a little better as time goes on. Facebook has been a wonderful tool in communication. Everyone seems really cool, and will have something special to offer.


Anonymous said...

Hone and sharpen your craft?
...what craft?

Ian Weller said...

The craft would be networking, and assimilating abroad. This is probably one of the biggest reasons that i was picked to come back.

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