Thursday, February 3, 2011


I am completely and truly blessed by friends and family with the support I received via email, facebook and phone calls. There was a time when I had a horrible weekend in Jordan, and returned to the hotel only to find a letter saying I was missed and thought of. The same feelings of great warmth swept over me every time I turn on my computer these last few days. I will be eternally grateful for the support extended by so many.

One of my favorite mental pictures from the trip is of our group on the bus all holding Egyptian flags. The day before we evacuated a guy was selling the flags on the side of the road (capitalism at it’s finest: making money off a revolution.) I of course asked to stop to add one to my collection. We all ended up getting the flags and waved them across Egypt to many a smile and thumbs-up from the drivers we passed.

In a few short hours these flags will be spread all over the world, just as quickly as the people who wave them came together. I and another Drake student will be heading to Muscat, Oman in the Gulf (goin’ Gulfin’!) Others will head to Australia, Dubai, France, Morocco, and many returning to their home universities to either take classes or a job for the semester. 12 students randomly brought together with a thirst to learn Arabic and enjoy Egyptian culture. Now we will be spread out after having relied on each other in some of the most trying times any of us have ever faced in our two decades of life. It has been an honor to know these people and I was greatly impressed with all of them. Hats also off to our team leader Chris Harrison who truly kept us together, sane and most importantly, safe. I will miss them greatly.

There is no snow where I am going (although Prague has been gorgeous, it is way too cold for what I packed.) When I land it will be 80 degrees.
Back into the Sandbox!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Ian, I will be packing snow and sending it to you. Make sure you have room for 20 tons of it.

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